The soundtrack of life: Developing, implementing, and sustaining personalized music listening programs for persons with mid-late stage dementia
The soundtrack of life: Developing, implementing, and sustaining personalized music listening programs for persons with mid-late stage dementia
CREGÉS Conference
Date: September 30, 2016
Schedule: 14:00 to 15:00
- Laurel Young, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Creative Arts Therapies, Concordia University; Researcher, CREGÉS; Associate Director, EngAGE
- Wendy Foster
Organizers(s): CREGÉS
Location: 50, Hillside Avenue, Westmount, H3Z 1V9
YesLanguage: English
This conference will present information on providing optimal music listening opportunities for persons with mid-late stage dementia. In addition to examples drawn from literature, popular media, and personal experiences, the presenters will share selected results from a pilot project where they examined responses of four individuals (with dementia) to personalized music listening experiences delivered via an iPod.