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2019 Conference

Experiences, capacities and potential: Enriching our practices with seniors who are Deaf or have disabilities

The Pluralages magazine dedicated to the 2019 conference as well as the webinar recordings (with LSQ interpreters) are now available! The special  issue of the magazine of the Centre for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology (CREGÉS) features short articles providing an overview of the content presented at the annual conference co-organized with the Équipe de recherche en partenariat Participation sociale et villes inclusives (PSVI)  and the ACT Project – Ageing + Communication + Technologies, in May 2019 at Université Laval.

Experiences, abilities and potentialities : Improving our practices towards Deaf adults and those with disabilities
Vol. 9, N.2, Winter 2020

Expériences, capacités et potentialités : Enrichir nos pratiques auprès de personnes aînées Sourdes ou ayant des incapacités
Vol. 9, N.2, Hiver 2020

Please click on the following links to consult the available public documents.

9:10 a.m.

Introduction video « Vivre ensemble » – ACT Project (Ageing + Communication + Technology)

9:20 a.m.

Conference: The social participation of older adults with disabilities: toward more inclusive practices to prevent discriminationÉmilie Raymond

  • Presentation
  • Webinar recording
  • Video – Participatory action research – « Pour un vieillissement actif dans la dignité » – Compagnie des jeunes retraités du Plateau de Charlesbourg

9:50 a.m.

Conference: The self-determination of older adults with an intellectual disability – Martin Caouette

10:50 a.m.

Testimony panel – Ageing as a Deaf person or as someone with disabilities: challenges, joys and aspirations – Véro Leduc and Élise Milot

12 p.m

Student presentations

  • Being the caregiver of an older adult living with disabilities: preliminary results of a qualitative study – Maude Beaudoin : Webinar recording
  • The program: Lifestyle Redesign – Marie-Hélène Lévesque : Video

Workshop 1

Technologies aimed at maintaining older adults with disabilities at homeMélanie Couture

Workshop 2

Including older adults with disabilities in seniors’ organizations: a practical guide – Émilie Raymond, Christophe Tremblay and Rachel Ruest

Workshop 3

Communicating with Deaf people: basic concepts for better service delivery – Annie Beaulieu and Bernard Belley

Workshop 4

Invisible disabilities: when eyesight and hearing deteriorate – Valérie Martel

Workshop 5

The social participation of older adults with or without a mental health diagnosis: the Count Me In! Program – Julie Beauchamp and Ginette Aubin

Workshop 6

Double ageing: the experiences of parents living with an adult with an intellectual disability – Élise Milot, Odile Bourdages, Valérie Slythe, Fanny Leblanc, Marie Boulanger Lemieux and Denise Juneau