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The Caregiver Grief Connexion: A bereavement support framework and virtual hub for caregivers, professionals and personal support workers to access best practice support and training in caregiver grief and bereavement

The Caregiver Grief Connexion: A bereavement support framework and virtual hub for caregivers, professionals and personal support workers to access best practice support and training in caregiver grief and bereavement

Chercheur(e) principal(e): Pam Orzeck
Co-chercheur(e): Patrick Durivage, Zelda Freitas, Pimienta, Rebecca
Collaborateur(trice): Shari Brotman, Tamara Sussman
Subventionné par: Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence, Azrieli Foundation Durée: 2022-2026

Montant: 500 000 $

Axes de recherche: 3

Thématiques: Proche aidance, Soins palliatifs et de fin de vie, Technologies