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A presentation about an innovative practice research-action project on recognizing the care-strategies of male caregivers: implications for practice

A presentation about an innovative practice research-action project on recognizing the care-strategies of male caregivers: implications for practice

Conférence CREGÉS
Date : 24 February, 2015
Horaire : 12:30 à 13:30
Conférencier(s) :
  • Norma Gilbert, Coordinator, Health Promotion and Prevention in Aging team, CSSS Cavendish. CREGÉS, Research-practitioner.
  • Bill Green, Social worker, SAPA, CSSS Cavendish.
Organisateur(s) : CREGÉS
Lieu : CLSC René-Cassin | 3e étage | salle ASSS
Option webdiffusion : non
Langue : Anglais