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Piloting the Elder Abuse Suscpicion Index – long-term care (EASI-ltc)©: A Mixed Methods implementation Feasibility Study

Piloting the Elder Abuse Suscpicion Index – long-term care (EASI-ltc)©: A Mixed Methods implementation Feasibility Study

Principal Investigator: Mélanie Couture, Wilchesky, Machelle
Co-investigator: Maryse Soulières, Yaffe, Mark John
Collaborator: Sarita Israel, Azoulay, Arik, Ballard, Stephanie, Marie Beaulieu, Milgram, Ilanah, Somers, Susan, Stoopler, Gary
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Project Grant Duration: 2022-2025

Amount: 265 000 $

Research Axes: 4, 3

Theme: Mistreatment and good treatment, Long-term care