Domain of Expertise Inclusive Aging, Diversity, Health and Well-Being

For over 25 years, the CREGÉS has developed a specific expertise aimed at promoting a positive image of aging and at improving clinical and community practices to improve quality of life and the physical, psychological and social well-being of older adults.
True to the philosophy behind ”Prévention-Promotion, santé et vieillissement (PPSV)”, this new area of expertise, Inclusive Aging, Diversity, Health and Well-Being, adopts an inclusive approach that respects the diverse experience of aging. To this end, the leading practices developed are related to four themes or areas of interests, namely: 1) Health and Well-Being Promotion, 2) Social Participation; 3) Life Course; Care Pathways and Discrimination; 4) Digital Technologies and Media/Culture.
Each theme is related to issues that could influence the health and well-being of older adults.
The development of innovative leading practices in Inclusive Aging, Diversity, Health and Well-Being takes into account diverse experiences of aging and focuses on older adults as social agents at the center of their aging process.
The CREGÉS organizes and promotes various activities and achievements (e.g.: scientific publications, programs, guides and tools, etc.) on diverse themes like social participation, maintenance of cognitive vitality, promotion of physical activity, etc.
Information: Sandra Smele, Coordinator, Domain of Expertise IDSB, CREGÉS, CIUSSS West-Central Montréal.

Tip Sheet and Training to Support the Inclusion of LGBTQ+ Older Adults

Lived Experiences of Aging Immigrants: A narrative-photovoice study

The Experiences of Social Exclusion and Inclusion Among People Aging with Neurodiversity and Their Families