The Experiences of Social Exclusion and Inclusion Among People Aging with Neurodiversity and Their Families
Thank you for your interest! (English page here)
Bienvenue sur le site web du projet de recherche basé dans la communauté “Les expériences d’exclusion et d’inclusion sociale chez les personnes vieillissant en situation de neurodiversité et leurs proches” (2020-2024). Cette recherche a été subventionnée par le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) grâce au soutien financier du ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation (MAMH), du ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (MIFI) et du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) dans le cadre du programme Actions concertées. Notre projet de recherche explore les expériences d’exclusion et d’inclusion sociale chez les personnes âgées neurodiverses et leurs proches aidants à Montréal et à Québec. Notre objectif est de recueillir les récits des personnes sur leurs expériences de vieillissement, leurs réalités et leurs besoins en matière de logement, ainsi que leurs réseaux sociaux et leurs soutiens. Nous nous parlerons également avec des fournisseurs de services afin d’obtenir leur point de vue sur les réalités et les défis auxquels font face les personnes âgées vivant en situation de neurodiversité et leurs proches vieillissants.
Our objectives are to:
1. Collect and share the life stories and experiences of older adults and their families in a way which honours their diverse experiences and realities;
2. Develop recommendations that are grounded in people’s experiences and perspectives;
3. Contribute to the development of inclusive policy and practice across sectors;
4. Advocate for programs and policies that better address the realities of, challenges facing, and agency enacted by neurodiverse older people and their family caregivers.
On our website you will find information about our project and the findings that emerge from our discussions with older people living with neurodiversity (50+ years old), their family caregivers (65+ years old), and the service providers who work with them. This information will take the form of infographics, policy and practice briefs, short videos and publications. The website will evolve as we undertake our work so please stay in touch with us!
Short Videos and Discussions
The videos and interviews available on the website present key issues related to challenges experienced by neurodiverse older adults and their families and potential ways to address social exclusion in society generally and within the sectors serving older adults living with neurodiversity and their aging family caregivers. Videos and interviews are directed towards the general public, as well as service providers and policy makers across sectors.
In this Capsule CREGÉS COVID-19, Mélanie Couture, PhD, CREGÉS researcher, is in conversation with Shari Brotman, Tamara Sussman, Zelda Freitas et Daniel Dickson, CREGÉS researchers and members of the research team, about their article, The Crisis Facing Older People Living with Neurodiversity and their Aging Carers: A Social Work Perspective. The authors discuss the impact from the pandemic on older neurodiverse people and their aging carers.
- Brotman, S, Sussman T, Pacheco L, Dickson D, Lach L, Raymond É, Deshaies MH, Freitas Z, Milot É. (2021). The Crisis Facing Older People Living with Neurodiversity and Their Aging Family Carers: A Social Work Perspective. Journal of Gerontological Social Work.
Brotman, S, Simard, J, Hanley, J, Raymond, É, & Delgado, P. (2023). Les personnes âgées immigrantes et leurs proches à Montréal : des vies oubliées durant la pandémie. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 42(1), 177–183.
Dickson, Daniel, & Brotman, Shari. (2022). Enacting Power at the Decision-Making Table: Foregrounding the Voices of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in the Policy Process through Engagement with Families in Relational Self-Advocacy. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 27(2).