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CREGÉS receives training mandate for caregivers

8 August 2024
As part of the Plan d’action gouvernemental pour les personnes proches aidantes 2021-2026, CREGÉS has been mandated by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) to create a training program on caregivers (PPA), in partnership with the Formation continue partagée team at CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS. The team of the CREGÉS’ Domain of Expertise in Caregiving, under the scientific responsibility of Isabelle Van Pevenage, Institutional Researcher, is responsible for the development of this project.

This training is offered to anyone working with caregivers, i.e. staff and managers in the health and social services network (e.g.: at home, in CLSCs, in CHSLDs, etc.) and those working outside the network (e.g.: RPAs, RI-RTFs, NPOs, etc.) with access to the FCP partenaires platform.

This training program is divided into three phases. The first block of “common core” modules is now accessible to all participants asynchronously, via the provincial Environnement numérique d’apprentissage (ENA).

The aim of this training course is to demystify informal caregiving and the diversity of its realities, as well as to highlight the positive impacts and challenges associated with informal caregiving, both for the caregivers themselves and for the professionals involved. It will also lay the foundations for an appropriate intervention, adapted to the context of the intervention and of the caregiver, which will enable better recognition and support for PPAs, all in a spirit of partnership.

Throughout the course, the theoretical content is illustrated by clinical vignettes, which present a variety of contexts that reflect the great diversity of situations that exist within caregiver relationships.

Access the course

– Link to the course.
– ID ENA : 15 200
– Duration : 1 h 50