Reconnaître les personnes proches aidantes comme partenaires pour mieux les soutenir

Reconnaître les personnes proches aidantes comme partenaires pour mieux les soutenir
Organizational tools, Intervention resources & tools
This reference framework for the health and social services network (RSSS), published by the Ministry of Health and Social Services (in French only), aims to better equip RSSS practitioners, managers and directors with regard to the practices involved in supporting caregivers by promoting a partnership approach.
Isabelle Van Pevenage, institutional researcher at CREGÉS, is part of the coordination team for this reference framework. Marie-Ève Manseau-Young, Head of Program Administration, and Mathilde Pouliot, APPR at CREGÉS, also contributed to this publication.
Language: French
Theme: Caregiving, Public policy and services