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The CREGÉS on the international scene

CREGÉS shines in France and Switzerland as part of two events.
31 March 2020
CREGÉS shines in France and Switzerland as part of two events.

CREGÉS members participated in the 6th international Conference “Inclusive society and ageing” of the Réseau d’Études International sur l’Âge, la CitoyenneTé et l’Intégration Socio-Économique (REIACTIS), in Metz, France, from 4-6 February 2020. Hélène CarbonneauGinette Aubin,  and Coordinator of the Area of Expertise in Palliative Care at CREGÉS, Patrick Durivage

Website of the conference
Joe Ducharme, CREGÉS research assistant and Sexology student at UQAM, participated in the Journée d’étude « Seniors LGBT : de l’invisibilité au droit d’être soi à tout âge » organized by Association 360 and the Institut des Études genre de Université de Genève, in Geneva, Switzerland on February 4th, 2020.