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Music Therapy in Bereavement Care

Music Therapy in Bereavement Care

CREGÉS Conference
Date: October 18, 2019
Schedule: 12:00 to 13:00
  • Laurel Young, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Creative Arts Therapies, Concordia University; Researcher, CREGÉS; Associate Director, EngAGE
Organizers(s): CREGÉS, engAGE, Concordia University
Location: {"address":"CLSC Ren\u00e9-Cassin","lat":45.4754941999999999779902282170951366424560546875,"lng":-73.6671032999999937374013825319707393646240234375,"zoom":14,"place_id":"ChIJ67fZDcsQyUwRHZDCdU8hw6c","street_number":"5800","street_name":"Boulevard Cavendish","street_name_short":"Boul Cavendish","city":"C\u00f4te Saint-Luc","state":"Qu\u00e9bec","state_short":"QC","post_code":"H4W 2T5","country":"Canada","country_short":"CA"}
Language: English

This presentation will provide an overview of music therapy in bereavement care. Dr. Young will review existing literature and share examples from her own clinical work and research. She will also make recommendations for future practice and research.