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Alexie Giguère-Groulx

Alexie Giguère-Groulx, MA.

Planning, Programming and Research Officer, Domain of expertise to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults, CREGÉS


  • Specialized Graduate Diploma, DESS in Psychologie-Santé mentale, Université TÉLUQ – IN PROGRESS
  • Masters in sciences sociales du développement (Développement régional), Université du Québec en Outaouais
  • Bachelor’s in international studies and Modern Languages, Ottawa University

Research interests:

  • Advocacy for the rights of older adults
  • Psychological interventions with vulnerable populations
  • Development of knowledge transfer tools
  • Development of relationships between community intervention and the research community
  • Development of knowledge and support of the community sector in managing situations of mistreatment
  • Adaptation of organizational practices to the needs of older adults and vulnerable populations

Alexie Giguère-Groulx currently supports the development of content of training modules and tools related to the three ministerial mandates of the Domain of Expertise to Counter Mistreatment, namely a training for the Health and Social Services network, the community sector and finally for the financial sector. She is also responsible for the integration and knowledge transfer in an e-learning format of the training on material and financial mistreatment.

With a decade of experience in the community sector as a project manager focused on supporting populations living in poverty and experiencing food insecurity, she then specialized in coordinating community intervention with older adults in vulnerable situations in downtown Montreal. Alexie joined the Domaine of Expertise team in August 2019.

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