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An Approach to Enhancing ‘Ordinary’ Practices of Good Treatment in Long-Term Care Centres (CHSLDs), Intermediate Resources (RIs) and Private Seniors’ Residences (RPAs) in Quebec: Mobilizing All of the Actors Concerned: A Practical Guide to Applying the Approach

An Approach to Enhancing ‘Ordinary’ Practices of Good Treatment in Long-Term Care Centres (CHSLDs), Intermediate Resources (RIs) and Private Seniors’ Residences (RPAs) in Quebec: Mobilizing All of the Actors Concerned: A Practical Guide to Applying the Approach

Tools and guides



This guide was originally developed as part of the research project La bientraitance envers les personnes aînées: mieux comprendre le concept et les particularités au Québec, funded by the FRQSC’s Actions concertées program in partnership with the Secrétariat aux aînés and the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec. This tool was produced in collaboration with a team of experts from CREGÉS of CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal composed of Sophie Éthier, member researcher; Mélanie Couture, member researcher; Anna Andrianova, coordinator of the Domain of Expertise in Caregiving; Sandra Smele, coordinator of the Domain of Expertise Inclusive Aging, Diversity, Health and Well-Being (IDSB); and Sarita Israel, coordinator of the Domain of Expertise to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults.

The English version of the tool, published in 2022, was made possible in part by the CHSSN Community Health and Social Services Network.

Language: French, English

Theme: Public policy and services, Mistreatment and good treatment, Living spaces