L’inclusion des personnes âgées vivant avec une problématique de santé mentale : comment y arrive-t-on dans les centres communautaires de loisirs?
L’inclusion des personnes âgées vivant avec une problématique de santé mentale : comment y arrive-t-on dans les centres communautaires de loisirs?
- Ginette Aubin, PhD, Full Professor, Département d'ergothérapie, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Researcher, CREGÉS
- Christine Lacroix, Project manager, Fédération québécoise des centres communautaires en loisir
Older adults living with mental health problems are often marginalized or excluded from recreational organizations. Yet, one of the WHO’s assertions is that access to social participation through meaningful occupations, including recreation in the community, is fundamental to health and well-being. In addition, the successful inclusion of older adults living with mental health problems in recreation organizations is not well documented. Action research is currently being conducted to address this situation. Through focus groups with older adults (with and without mental health issues), practitioners from recreation centers, mental health organizations, and peer support workers, we have identified some questions that need to be explored further: What is the best approach to addressing the inclusion of this population? How should inclusion be practiced outside of mental health-oriented organizations?