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Présentation d’un outil d’intervention en matière de maltraitance envers les proches aidants

Présentation d’un outil d’intervention en matière de maltraitance envers les proches aidants

CREGÉS Conference
Date: March 11, 2020
Schedule: 12:00 to 13:00
  • Sophie Éthier, PhD, Full Professor, École de travail social et de criminologie, Université Laval; Researcher, CREGÉS
Organizers(s): CREGÉS, CvP Continuum Aînés
Language: French

There are many social phenomena that exist but are poorly documented because they continue to be ignored. This is the case with the abuse of caregivers. The first action-research conducted in Quebec on the subject helped shed some light on the origins of caregiver abuse and led to the development of a toolbox containing, among other things, a poster. This conference will present the poster as a means to raise awareness of this phenomenon.