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Utilisation de la recherche-action pour soutenir l’engagement intergénérationnel

Utilisation de la recherche-action pour soutenir l’engagement intergénérationnel

CREGÉS Conference
Date: April 27, 2021
Schedule: 12:00 to 13:00
  • Johanne Filiatrault, Ph. D, Professeure titulaire, École de réadaptation, Université de Montréal; Chercheure, CRIUGM
  • Émilie Raymond, PhD, Assistant Professor, École de travail social et de criminologie, Université Laval; Researcher, CREGÉS & CIRRIS; Co-director, IVPSA
  • Shannon Hebblethwaite, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Human Sciences, Concordia University; Researcher, CREGÉS; Director, engAGE
Organizers(s): CREGÉS
Language: French

Numerous intergenerational initiatives facilitating involvement of older adults in their community are being developed all across Quebec. Research in this area has grown significantly in the past decade but efforts to synthesize and transfer knowledge are needed in order to better equip community organizations in the field. The purpose of this presentation is to share the work of a new actionresearch team whose goal is to develop a toolkit to support Quebec community organizations in their intergenerational activities. This toolkit, developed in a co-design mode, will help to identify and describe the promising practices to support intergenerational solidarity and dialogue. It will also provide tools to community organizations to evaluate the impact of their intergenerational activities.