Launch events for strategies to promote good treatment practices in LTCs
This past February 6 and 12, we held two events to celebrate the good treatment practices at two CIUSSS West-Central Montreal long-term care centres, the...
Proceedings: CREGÉS Symposium 2024: Agir sur la marginalisation des personnes âgées : Des savoirs à l’action
On May 27, 2024, CREGÉS held its annual symposium entitled Agir sur la marginalisation des personnes âgées: Des savoirs à l'action. This interdisciplinary...
Research Project to Receive Funding: Escape Room project La valise de Lise, un jeu d’énigmes pour promouvoir la sensibilisation envers la maltraitance des personnes aînées
Led by CREGÉS researcher Kim Sawchuk, the research project entitled Indices de maltraitance : La valise de Lise, un jeu d'énigmes pour promouvoir la...
CREGÉS keeps growing: Two new researchers join CREGÉS
CREGÉS is proud to welcome two new researchers! Pam Orzeck was a practicing social worker and researcher for 25 years before joining the McGill faculty as an...
CREGÉS Annual Report 2023-2024 now available!
We're pleased to present the 2023-2024 Annual Report on the research activities of the Center for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology (CREGÉS). We've...
CREGÉS Conferences – 2025 Winter – Spring programming
The CREGÉS is pleased to present its winter-spring programming for 2025! Four free webinars will highlight the work of our members!January 20, 2025Les femmes...
CREGÉS at the 53rd Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG2024)!
CREGÉS will be represented at the 53rd Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology! Many CREGÉS members will present at the...
Welcome to the redesigned CREGÉS website!
You may have noticed that the CREGÉS website has recently undergone a major redesign. It has a new look, but it also offers powerful new features that...
CREGÉS receives training mandate for caregivers
As part of the Plan d'action gouvernemental pour les personnes proches aidantes 2021-2026, CREGÉS has been mandated by the Ministère de la Santé et des...
Two of Annette Leibing’s projects receive funding
CREGÉS member Annette Leibing has been awarded grants for two of her research projects: Towards a better integration of social determinants of health in the...
Sabrina Lessard receives grants for two research projects
Sabrina Lessard, Institutional researcher at CREGÉS, received grants for two of her research projects. Pratiques d’intervention du secteur communautaire en...
Émilie Richard-Frève joins the research team at CREGÉS
CREGÉS recently welcomed Émilie Richard-Frève as a researcher specializing in aging in rural areas. In her role, Dr. Richard-Frève's mission will be to...
Joanie Maclure receives a grant for her project on the employment retention of caregivers.
Joanie Maclure, CREGÉS researcher, has been awarded $ 64 211,00 for her project "Maintien en emploi des personnes proches aidantes: une préoccupation...
New book : Sexualités et conjugalités en contexte de vieillissement
Publication of the book Sexualités et conjugalités en contexte de vieillissement Sexualités et conjugalités en contexte de vieillissement was recently...
Significant Funding Awarded to Research Project on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)
The Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS), the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC) and the Fonds...
Two CREGÉS Research Projects Receive Grants
Two research projects carried out by our members have been rewarded as part of the 2024-2025 competition of the Programme de recherche-action pour un...
Sabrina Lessard receives a grant under the Actions concertées program
The Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC) and its partner, the Secrétariat aux aînés of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux,...
Several CREGÉS members receive grants from the Scientific Committee
Several CREGÉS members have recently been awarded scholarships by the Scientific Committee (Comité vie scientifique). Anna Andrianova, coordinator, Domain...
CREGÉS Annual Symposium: Agir sur la marginalisation des personnes âgées : des savoirs à l’action
This interdisciplinary event will present the findings of three CREGÉS research projects on the marginalization and social exclusion of older people. Hosted by...
New training course on good-treatment for caregivers
A new free training course on the good-treatment of caregivers is now available on the portail of développement professionnel of the Université de Montréal's...
New project | Approach to Enhancing Good Treatment (Bientraitance) Practices in Long-Term Care Facility
In the context under the call for projects - Support for projects aimed at creating environments conducive to good treatment (bientraitance) in long-term care...
Call for abstracts: 2024 Scientific student day | VIES Team
Équipe VIES is organizing a bilingual scientific day, by and for members of the student community, on the themes of social justice and empowerment in the...
CHEZ SOI JUSQU’À LA FIN ? Désirs et motivations des Québécois et Québécoises âgées quant à leur lieu de fin de vie et de décès. Statistical Report
CHEZ SOI JUSQU’À LA FIN ? Désirs et motivations des Québécois et Québécoises âgées quant à leur lieu de fin de vie et de décès. Statistical Report Do the vast...
Launch of the 2024 Lunch and Learn Conferences program
It is with great enthusiasm that we recently welcomed three new researchers to our team: Geneviève Arsenault-Lapierre, holds a PhD in neuroscience from McGill...
Three CREGÉS research projects receive funding as part of the Action concertée | Programme de recherche sur la proche aidance (FRQSC) grant.
We are delighted to announce that three CREGÉS research projects have received funding from the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et Culture (FRQSC) and...
New online training course on the charting of grief
An online training course, entitled Le deuil : un outil pour le cartographier, is now available to anyone interested in learning more about this bereavement...
New research project being led by a CREGÉS member
Since June 1, several members of CREGÉS have taken part in an innovative research project entitled :Exploring the impact of mindfulness on the reduction of...