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Chez soi jusqu’à la fin ? Désirs et motivations des Québécois et Québécoises âgées quant à leur lieu de fin de vie et de décès : Rapport statistique

Chez soi jusqu’à la fin ? Désirs et motivations des Québécois et Québécoises âgées quant à leur lieu de fin de vie et de décès : Rapport statistique


Isabelle Van Pevenage, Valérie Bourgeois-Guérin, Patrik Marier, Patrick Durivage, M. Reiss, J. Lareau, M. Raymond, M. Kempeneers



Do the vast majority of Quebecers really want to be able to die at home? And if so, how can we explain the discrepancy between this presumed desire and the very low proportion of deaths at home (10%)? These are the questions behind the research project « Chez soi jusqu’à la fin ? Entre désirs et possibilités de mourir à domicile ». 

Funded by CREGÉS and SSHRC, the project is being led by several CREGÉS members: Isabelle Van Pevenage (institutional researcher) is the principal researcher, Patrik Marier (Scientific Director) and Valérie Bourgeois-Guerin (regular member) are co-researchers, and Patrick Durivage (coordinator of the Palliative Care Domain of Expertise) is a collaborator.  

The project includes a population-based survey of 1,000 Quebecers aged 65 and over on their wishes, perceptions and beliefs about where they want to end their lives and die. This statistical report presents some of the results of this survey so that they can be mobilized by all players interested in these issues. 

Language: French

Theme: Living spaces, Palliative and end of life care