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Les facteurs qui influencent le deuil : Revue de littérature

Les facteurs qui influencent le deuil : Revue de littérature

Literature reviews



To support caregivers working with people who are or will soon be bereaved, a team of researchers and practitioners designed a tool entitled Cartography of Factors Influencing Family Members/Carers’ Experiences of Loss. A Tool to Develop Targeted Actions. This tool is freely accessible, and a training course (in French only) to help you make the most of it is available free of charge.

This document is a narrative review of the literature, the purpose of which is to present the positions and arguments of experts on each of the factors that can influence bereavement. This review is designed to support facilitators in their clinical judgment by providing a more nuanced foundation for determining the factors influencing the bereaved.

See also: Cartography of Factors Influencing Family Members/Carers’ Experiences of Loss. A Tool to Develop Targeted Actions: User Guide

Language: French

Theme: Caregiving, Palliative and end of life care