Vieillir au pluriel. Perspectives sociales

Vieillir au pluriel. Perspectives sociales
There is not “one” aging process, but rather “many” agings. Life paths and experiences related to advancing age vary according to multiple personal and social factors: gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, citizenship skills, abilities, and disabilities. Reflecting this diversity, the book brings together scientific and clinical knowledge from 45 authors with diverse professional backgrounds and experiences. Together, they have built unique expertise on older adults and society, organized into four main sections: the various experiences of aging and their representations, the inequalities and challenges encountered, the environments of older adults, and finally, the policies and social actions taken.
A true treatise on social gerontology, this is the first French-language manual addressing the various social aspects of aging. It advocates for a pluralistic and inclusive society, a society for all ages where aging is seen as a positive experience.
Editors: Michèle Charpentier, Nancy Guberman, Véronique Billette, Jean-Pierre Lavoie, Amanda Grenier, Ignace Olazabal (in French)
Language: French
Theme: Population diversity, Physical and mental health, Quality of life, Living in society, Social conditions, Public policy and services, Living spaces