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Julien Gauthier Mongeon

Julien Gauthier Mongeon, MSc

Planning, Programming and Research Officer, Domain of expertise to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults, CREGÉS


  • Masters in Sociology, Université du Québec à Montréal
  • Bachelors in Philosphy, Major in Sociology, Université de Montréal

Research interests:

  • Management of psychosocial issues
  • Evaluation of public policies
  • Qualitative research methods
  • Development of training modules
  • Development of knowledge transfer tools

Julien Gauthier Mongeon is mainly involved in the “policy modules” for the evaluation and implementation of policies to counter mistreatment in all health care institutions in Quebec. He was involved in research projects on aging among older men within the Chaire de recherche sur le vieillissement et la diversité citoyenne de l’UQAM and on the desire for children in the context of family re-composition under the direction of Laurence Charton, professor at INRS. His areas of expertise include bibliographic research, literature reviews, writing scientific articles and knowledge transfer. Julien joined the Domain of Expertise team in 2020.

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