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Terminology on the Mistreatment of Older Adults

Terminology on the Mistreatment of Older Adults

This tip-sheet defines older adult mistreatment, including its two manifestations and seven types. This tool is the result of a collaborative effort by the Domain of Expertise to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults of the CREGÉS of the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal,...
An Approach to Enhancing ‘Ordinary’ Practices of Good Treatment in Long-Term Care Centres (CHSLDs), Intermediate Resources (RIs) and Private Seniors’ Residences (RPAs) in Quebec: Mobilizing All of the Actors Concerned: A Practical Guide to Applying the Approach

An Approach to Enhancing ‘Ordinary’ Practices of Good Treatment in Long-Term Care Centres (CHSLDs), Intermediate Resources (RIs) and Private Seniors’ Residences (RPAs) in Quebec: Mobilizing All of the Actors Concerned: A Practical Guide to Applying the Approach

This guide was originally developed as part of the research project “La bientraitance envers les personnes aînées: mieux comprendre le concept et les particularités au Québec,” funded by the FRQSC’s Actions concertées program in partnership with the...