Aging in Data

Aging in Data
Projets financés dans le cadre de ce projet:
- Beating around the data: Musicking as we age in RECAA Choir. Chercheure principale : Line Grenier. Cochercheure : Kim Sawchuk. Collaboratrice : Anne Caines. Montant : 5,549 $
- Golden Open Access: “Exploring data ageism: What good data can(‘t) tell us about the digital practices of older people?” Chercheure principale : Kim Sawchuk. Cochercheure : Line Grenier. Collaboratrice : Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol. Montant : 4,120 $
Principal Investigator: Kim Sawchuk
Co-investigator: Patrik Marier, Shannon Hebblethwaite, Line Grenier, Cal Biruk, May Chazan, Sally Chivers, Barbara Crow, Nicole Dalmer, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, Larissa Hjorth, Loredana Ivan, Ros Jennings, Yasmin Jiwani, Unmil Karadkar, Stephen Katz, Najmeh Khalili-Mahani, Ulla Kriebernegg, Martine Lagacé, Eugène Loos, Roberta Maierhofer, Barbara Marshall, Wendy Martin, Catherine Middleton, Galit Nimrod, Alexander Peine, Barbara Ratzenböck, Joanna Redden, Bob De Schutter, Sakari Taipale
Collaborator: Anne Caines, Craven, E., Hannah A. Grist, Fenwick R. McKelvey, Natalie A. Phillips
Funded by:
Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines - programme partenariat Duration: 2021-2028
Amount: 2,500,000.00 $
Research Axes: 1, 2
Theme: Technology