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Formuler des recommandations pour mieux soutenir les personnes proches aidantes dans un contexte d’hôpital à domicile au Québec

Formuler des recommandations pour mieux soutenir les personnes proches aidantes dans un contexte d’hôpital à domicile au Québec

Since 2023, the Ministry of Health and Social Services has been encouraging the development and implementation of Hospital at Home pilot projects in Quebec. This model of care enables patients to receive medical care at home, reducing the risks associated with hospital stays, readmissions and, consequently, costs. However, gaps remain, particularly in terms of support for family caregivers accompanying a hospitalized loved one at home. Although various initiatives exist to meet their needs, the absence of harmonized procedures and specific tools in the hospital-at-home context could increase the burden on family caregivers and potentially create inequalities. This project, supported by Proche Aidance Québec, in collaboration with the virtual care unit of the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal and the Centre intégré de santé et services sociaux de la Montérégie-Centre, proposes to remedy this shortcoming by developing recommendations to better support family caregivers in this homecare model, while contributing to a better integration of pilot projects into the Quebec healthcare system. The project is part of CREGÉS’ health and social services technology and intervention methods evaluation (ETMISSS). A multidisciplinary, systematic approach combining scientific, contextual and experiential data will be used to formulate targeted, efficient recommendations.

Principal Investigator: Geneviève Arsenault-Lapierre
Co-investigator: Patrik Marier, Joanie Maclure
Collaborator: Sarah Ouadfel, Rym Zakaria
Funded by: Proche aidance Québec - Fonds pour projet d’innovation Duration: 2024-2026

Amount: 70 000 $

Theme: Caregiving, Physical and mental health