Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long-Term Care Alliance’s Scaling up a Palliative Program in Long-Term Care (SPA-LTC)
Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long-Term Care Alliance’s Scaling up a Palliative Program in Long-Term Care (SPA-LTC)
Principal Investigator: Sharon Kaasalainen
Co-investigator: Tamara Sussman, Kelley, M.L., Hunter, P., Thompson, G., Venturato, L., Wickson-Griffiths, A., Durepos, P., McCloskey, R.
Funded by:
Santé Canada Duration: 2021-2026
Amount: 1,500,000.00 $
Research Axes: 3, 4
Theme: Long-term care, Palliative and end of life care