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Webpage – Domain of Expertise to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults

To know more about the history, the team, the research programming, the publications list and the resources (training, tools, outreach program) depending on your profile (Health and Social Services Network, community network, general public).
23 August 2021
Sarita Israel, Coordinator, Domain of Expertise to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults, CREGÉS, CIUSSS West-Central Montréal.
The CREGÉS is proud to launch the new webpage for the Domain of Expertise to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults.

This webpage will allow you to learn more about the history and discover the many achievements and collaborations of the Domain of Expertise since its creation in 1980 and consult the research programming as well as the list of publications.

Depending on your profile (Health and Social Services Network, community network, general public), you will find tools, resources, outreach programs, and training programs developped by the team of the Domain of Expertise to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults.

Enjoy your visit!

Click here to visit the webpage