Agir sur la marginalisation des personnes âgées : Des savoirs à l’action
Agir sur la marginalisation des personnes âgées : Des savoirs à l’action
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CREGÉS is proud to present its annual symposium, in partnership with Équipe VIES, entitled Agir sur la marginalisation des personnes âgées : Des savoirs à l’action. This interdisciplinary event will present the findings of three CREGÉS projects that address issues of exclusion and marginalization among older adults. The symposium will be conducted in French.
The three joint initiatives will be presented by their principal investigators:
- The Experiences of Social Exclusion and Inclusion Among People Aging with Neurodiversity and Their Families with Shari Brotman, professor at McGill University,
- Participation sociale des aînés face à des dynamiques de marginalisation et d’exclusion, développement d’outils d’intervention pour soutenir leur inclusion en milieu communautaire de loisir : une recherche-action with Hélène Carbonneau, professor at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, and
- Les actions gouvernementales au Québec : impacts sur des personnes aînées marginalisées ou vivant des dynamiques d’exclusion sociale with Patrik Marier, CREGÉS Scientific Director and Professor at Concordia University, and Meghan Joy, Professor at Concordia University.
In the morning, Eugénie Émond, a journalist specializing in social gerontology, will lead conversations with members of the three research teams. The talks will be followed by discussion with attendees both in person and online.
In the afternoon, participants will be able to attend the play Neurodiversity! Age together, Act together, which will highlight the life experiences of over twenty people aged 48 to 78 living with neurodiversity. The play is presented by La Gang à Rambou and Sans Oublier le Sourire, two partner organizations in the research project The Experiences of Social Exclusion and Inclusion Among People Aging with Neurodiversity and Their Families, led by Shari Brotman.
During the rest of the afternoon, participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on subjects such as homelessness, LGBTQ+ experiences, neurodiversity, people involved with the justice system, and many others, through a choice of workshops and lectures presented by our members and partners.
This symposium will be held in a hybrid format. The majority of activities will be presented both online and in person, and online participants will have the opportunity to communicate with our speakers.
This symposium is being organized by the Centre for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology of the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal in collaboration with Équipe de recherche en partenariat Vieillissements, exclusions sociales et solidarités (VIES).