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Démarche de mise en valeur des pratiques de bientraitance « ordinaire » en milieu d’hébergement au Québec : un travail de mobilisation de tous les acteurs concernés

Démarche de mise en valeur des pratiques de bientraitance « ordinaire » en milieu d’hébergement au Québec : un travail de mobilisation de tous les acteurs concernés

CREGÉS Conference
Date: November 2, 2021
Schedule: 12:00 to 13:00
  • Sandra Smele, Ph.D(c), Coordinator, Domain of Expertise on Inclusive Aging, Diversity, Health and Wellness, CREGÉS
  • Anna Andrianova, Coordinator, Domain of Expertise in Caregiving, CREGÉS
Organizers(s): CREGÉS
Partner(s): CvP Continuum Aînés
Language: French

There are many, varied well-treatment practices in long-term care facilities (CHSLD), Intermediate Resources (IR) and private residences, but they are poorly documented and little known outside the institutions where they have been developed. The purpose of this presentation is to describe the approach used to identify and promote well-treatment practices in our participatory research in Quebec residential settings. Three world cafés (n=61), circles of well-treatment (n=19) and individual semi-structured interviews (n=13) were conducted in a long-term care facility (CHSLD), an intermediate resource (IR-RPA) and a private residence for older adults (RPA). Participants were asked to define the concept of well-treatment, to identify well-treatment practices in the residential setting and to identify the conditions that support or hinder engagement in these practices. Our results suggest that a broader application of this approach could contribute to rebuilding relationships, restoring trust, and producing the changes that have become essential in Quebec residential settings in light of the pandemic context and its devastating impact on residents, families and staff who work in these settings.