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La sexualité des aînés : quelle gestion parles professionnels ?

La sexualité des aînés : quelle gestion parles professionnels ?

CREGÉS Conference
Date: April 28, 2021
Schedule: 12:00 to 13:00
  • Isabelle Wallach, PhD, Associate Professor, Département de sexologie, Université du Québec à Montréal; Researcher, CREGÉS
  • Julie Beauchamp, PhD, Assistant Professor, Département de psychiatrie et de neurosciences, Faculté de Médecine, Université Laval; Researcher, CREGÉS
Organizers(s): CREGÉS, CvP Continuum Aînés
Language: French

The sexuality of older adults is frequently the subject of prejudice and reductive social representations that are important to deconstruct. The conference will address the myths related to the sexuality of older adults, identify the main conclusions emerging from empirical studies on this issue and examine the way it is managed by professionals in health and social services and institutional contexts.