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The potential for leisure to be a key contributor to long-term care culture change

The potential for leisure to be a key contributor to long-term care culture change

CREGÉS Conference
Date: January 1, 1970
Schedule: 14:00 to 00:00
  • Darla Fortune, PhD., Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Human Sciences, Concordia University; Researcher, CREGÉS
Organizers(s): CREGÉS
Location: St. Margaret Residential Centre, Main floor
Language: English

Culture change describes efforts to transform long-term care (LTC) homes into caring communities where quality of life is paramount. Since leisure is recognized as one of the strongest contributors to quality of life for individuals living in LTC homes, it has a vital role to play in the culture change process. In this presentation I present findings from a study that examined ways leisure programs and practices in LTC homes align with culture change principles. These findings highlight ways leisure can provide opportunities for residents, staff, and family to be in relationships where there is deeper knowing of individuals and celebrations of their lives, a sharing of power, and opportunities to work together to enhance meaningful experiences.