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Resources for the General Public – Caregiving

Biblio-Santé | Caregivers

Themed booklets containing a host of useful references: a list of organizations, a selection of relevant websites, plus reading, film and TV suggestions, all of which have been selected and validated by trained librarians.

CIUSSS West-Central Montreal | Caregivers

Information on caregiving and its challenges, plus a list of useful resources.

Observatoire québécois de la proche aidance (the Observatory)

The Observatoire québécois de la proche aidance (the Observatory) was established by the Act to recognize and support caregivers, which was passed on October 28, 2020. The Observatory is a structuring measure of the Quebec government’s national policy for caregivers, the Politique nationale pour les personnes proches aidantes: Reconnaître et soutenir dans le respect des volontés et des capacités d’engagement. The CIUSSS West-Central Montreal has been entrusted with developing, coordinating and providing administrative support to the Observatory.

The First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission (FNQLHSSC) was officially created by the Chiefs of the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador (AFNQL) on April 14, 1994. Its creation resulted from numerous discussions underscoring the need for an effective body to defend the interests of First Nations and support their priorities in the areas of health and social services.

We recommend their guide, Natural Caregivers: A Guide for the First Nations of Quebec (2009).

Visit their website

Visit their Documentation Centre

Consult the suggested guide

Éducaloi | Caregivers: Practical Legal Tools

Comprehensive listing of Éducaloi’s guides and articles on the various legal aspects relating to either the caregiver’s own situation (for example, balancing work with caregiving), or the various situations they may have to face (loss of autonomy, health care decisions, housing issues, etc.). Useful external resources are also listed.

Fondation Émergence | Chosen Family Program

The mission of the Chosen Family program is to support LGBTQ+ individuals who are caregivers for elderly people, inform them about the existing services and provide other useful information.

Gouvernement du Québec – Informal and family caregiver

This page presents useful information for family or informal caregivers, including a definition and description of the role, information on the Act to recognize and support caregivers, and various resources.

In June 2020, Marguerite Blais, the Quebec minister responsible for seniors, introduced Bill 56, which set out to recognize and support caregivers as well as amend various legislative provisions. The bill was passed in October 2020 and
a national policy for caregivers, subsequently tabled in April 2021. This policy provides a framework for recognizing and supporting caregivers in compliance with their wishes and capacities as to the nature and scope of their engagement. In October 2021, to implement the policy, the government launched its 2021 2026 action plan for caregivers.

To read the text of the Act

To read the policy (in French only)

To see the 2021-2026 action plan (in French only):



Free, confidential and personalized listening, information and referral service for caregivers, stakeholders, health care professionals and employers. 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Telephone consultation service offering information, support and referrals from qualified health and social services professionals.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

• 811 – OPTION 1 | To speak to a qualified Info-Santé nurse

• 811 – OPTION 2 | To speak to a psychosocial counsellor.

L’Appui pour les proches aidants

Founded in 2009, L’Appui pour les proches aidants is a non-profit organization funded by the Quebec government. Its mission is to improve quality of life for Quebec caregivers and ensure they receive recognition for what they do. L’Appui funds services for caregivers and their organizations across Quebec and offers guidance through two channels: its Caregiver Support Helpline (a free, confidential and professional consultation service available at 1 855 852-7784 or by email at info-aidant@lappui.org); and its website (www.lappui.org, a veritable gold mine of information, tips and resources for caregivers and their loved ones).


A mental health resources and services directory for caregivers who live in the area served by the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal.

« Nous, proches aidants »| Web Documentary

An initiative by L’Appui pour les proches aidants to foster better recognition of the realities experienced by caregivers.

Proche aidance Québec

Proche aidance Québec (formerly the Regroupement des aidants naturels du Québec, RANQ) is a grouping of associations, groups and local and regional organizations whose mission is to support and improve the quality of life of caregivers in Quebec.

Regroupement des aidants et aidantes naturels de Montréal (RAANM)

Founded in 1992, the RAANM is a non-profit regional organization created to improve the living conditions of caregivers.