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Marie-Eve Manseau-Young

Marie-Eve Manseau-Young, MA, TS

Project Manager - Planning, programming and research officer, CREGÉS


  • Member of the Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ) 


  • Master’s degree in social work, UQAM
  • Bachelor’s degree in literary studies, UQAM 


Research interests:

  • Planning and production of knowledge transfer tools 
  • Development of training for RSSS professionals  
  • Development of policies and procedures  
  • Mistreatment of older adults  
  • Residential and longterm care settings 
  • Caregiving 


Marie-Eve Manseau-Young is the project manager for the ministerial mandate to develop a training program for social and healthcare workers, professionals and managers in the Health and Social services Network (Réseau de la santé et des services sociaux – RSSS) and the community organizations on the characteristics and needs of caregivers, on the interventions to be favored and on the partnership approach in the context of healthcare and services.  

She is a member of the OTSTCFQ and has more than 8 years of experience as a planning, programming and research officer in the RSSS, where she has supported various organizational and departmental projects. She has planned and produced numerous knowledge transfer tools for managers and social and healthcare workers in various sectors, in a changing context of practice.  

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