Model for The Management of Older Adult Mistreatment Situations

Organizational and clinical tool

2019 (3rd edition)

Developed from an exhaustive literature review and consultations with stakeholders in the Quebec health and social services network, this model illustrates the key elements of managing situations of mistreatment and the different areas of expertise required. It reaffirms the importance of developing strong collaborations with different partners and also highlights the non-linearity of the response. Finally, the model emphasizes the right of consent of the older adult throughout the process.

To cite this document : Couture, M., Alarie, M., & Israel, S. (2019). Modèle de gestion des situations de maltraitance envers les personnes aînées (3e édition). Montréal, Centre for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology (CREGÉS), CIUSSS West-Central Montreal, 2 p.


There is a summary tool to accompany this model (in French):

Go to the summary tool (in French)