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Artful Aging: creating a digital village with older adults to enhance social connectivity

Artful Aging: creating a digital village with older adults to enhance social connectivity

Principal Investigator: Gardner, Paula
Co-investigator: Kim Sawchuk, Reilly, Derek, Zheng, Rong, Latulippe, Celine, Bateman, Scott
Collaborator: Shannon Hebblethwaite, Henderson, Julia, Porter, Michelle, Duepos, Pamela, Laura M. Funk, Andrea Bunt, Ghanouni, Parisa, Boamah, Sheila, Nicole Dalmer, Vrkljan, Brenda, McClosley, Rose
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council - Research Partnerships Duration: 2022-2026

Amount: 199 996 $

Research Axes: 1, 4

Theme: Quality of life, Living in society, Technology